Got the gnawing feeling that RISING's slipping you by? There are plenty of shows around an hour long to squeeze in, no matter your schedule.

Bang Stop — Wed 1 June
Jim White and long-term collaborator and guitarist Emmett Kelly (aka The Double) are joined by brand-new collaborator Jo Lloyd, to create a physically and musically intense catharsis to open RISING.

21 Pornographies — WED 1—SAT 4 JUNE
In 21 pornographies, Danish choreographer Mette Ingvartsen embarks on a no-holds-barred, one-woman exploration of power, submission and observation.
Golden Square — WED 1—SUN 12 JUNE
Golden Square is RISING’s swirling art car park. Three levels of art, performance, parades and rooftop bars—smack bang in the middle of Chinatown.

A Miracle Constantly Repeated — Until 12 June
Hidden for decades, Flinders Street Station’s mysterious ballroom opens its doors for Australia’s pre-eminent visual artist.
Maureen : Harbinger of Death — WED 1—SUN 12 JUNE
Jonny Hawkins transforms into Maureen: a razor tongued doyenne with stories to tell, inspired by Hawkins’ friend and self-described “working class glamour queen”.
The Wilds — WED 1—SUN 19 JUNE
The Wilds is our moonlit forest of stimulation—a fluoro fantasy of art, sound, taste and ice at a transformed Sidney Myer Music Bowl.
WORKING ON MY NIGHT MOVES is an intergalactic Wizard of Oz. A playful experiment in building feminist futures and a communal expedition to the star-cloaked corners of deep space.

Fart Fabulous — THU 2—SAT 4 JUNE
Fart Fabulous is a farty party for grands, grandkids and teenagers alike. A playful, punk variety show bursting with circus, drag, dance, visual art and live music.
Anything & Everything — FRI 3—SUN 12 JUNE
Set in a TV studio, Anything & Everything is a live performance that glimpses into the intimate online and IRL spaces where young people navigate technology, identity, ability, connection and consent.

Janet's Vagrant Love — WED 8—SUN 12 JUNE
Janet’s Vagrant Love is a work 20 years in the making. Crombie shares her truth, telling stories of childhood trauma and the struggles of raising young Blak men as a single mum doing the best she can for her boys.
Hijra'h — THU 9—SUN 12 JUNE
In HIJRA’H, renowned Indonesian dancer and choreographer, Rianto explores gender approaches in dance forms dating back to pre-Islam animism, where transgender spiritual figures were greatly valued.
The Invisible Opera — FRI 10—SAT 11 JUNE
As the everyday action of Federation Square unfolds, a voice and an all-seeing eye seemingly choreograph and narrate the environment in real time, instantly bringing into question, what is real and who is watching.
Set Piece — FRI 10—SUN 12 JUNE
Set Piece explores female intimacy through the relationship between screen and stage. The quick-witted script draws on real-life dinner party conversation, improvisation and ‘50s pulp fiction.
Multitud — SAT 11—SUN 12 JUNE
Seventy people, from different age groups and backgrounds, create a critical mass of collective action.