Giveaway : Blue Moon T-Shirt
To celebrate November 2020’s rare, double full moon, we asked artists Jonnine Standish and Emma Kohlmann to collaborate on a special t-shirt as a free gift for you.
On 30 November, 2020, Melbourne’s skies were blessed with a second full moon in a month. In the spirit of rare, celestial, occurrences we decided to give away a super limited run of 100, specially commissioned, artist-designed t-shirts.
During a time in which international travel is limited, we wanted to share our double-moon auspices with our creative friends. So we enlisted local designer (and HTRK band member) Jonnine Standish and Massachusetts-based artist Emma Kohlmann to collaborate on a transcontinental, cotton curiosity, to slip over your torso when the wind is warm and the moon glowing bright.
The design is printed on high-grade, organic cotton, AS Colour t-shirt and to nab one of our blue moon babies, entrants had to finish the following sentence in 25 words or less: “Once in a blue moon, I…